Your Trusted Partner for Health Care Staffing and Nursing Referral Services

Who we are

At Grace Line Nursing, we are a people-driven healthcare staffing agency that can meet your individual and organizational needs. We have been working every day for 7+ years, guided by our core values of excellence, compassion, and integrity in all of our solutions, from homecare assistance to nursing referral and more.

Who can we help? Anyone who requires it in Central & Southern Maryland! Our network of professionals will become your solid support if you are looking for personal care services or skilled and expert healthcare staff members.

Our Mission

To work with a team of qualified healthcare professionals and provide clients with an unsurpassed level of personalized care that meets their individual needs and stay dedicated to employees’ training and orientation in achieving clients’ satisfaction.

Our Vision

Foster healthcare solutions that work. We will produce high-quality outcomes in healthcare services focusing on employees’ excellence through ongoing and thorough education. We will also attain exceptional customer satisfaction by carefully matching healthcare professionals’ expertise to patient/organization needs while maintaining a culture of compassion.

Our goals

We are committed

To attain our clients’ highest quality of life by providing efficient staffing and effective care in the home care setting/organization.

To assist patients in achieving their optimal level of independence and maintaining active and productive lives.

To provide home health care, thus allowing patients to recover and/or rehabilitate in the comfort of their own homes.

To assist family members and/or patients in acquiring the health care needed and providing appropriate referrals.

To allow patients to remain at home with their families as long as possible.

A Company That Cares

If you want to pick a team, you want one you can entirely rely on, especially regarding your well-being. Grace Line Nursing has got your back. More than a healthcare staffing agency, as an associate, we fully grasp your needs and provide customized solutions to meet them. We are renowned not only for quality, but also for:



Our solutions are complete. Caring for your health for us extends beyond the physical aspect. Our network will become your support network and treat you with compassion.


We continuously better ourselves to improve the care we give our clients and the excellence our staff provides to organizations. We are devoted to being the best healthcare staffing agency for you.


We never send anyone that we wouldn’t welcome ourselves. Every member of ours is a vetted professional you can trust, just like organizations such as the Department of Disabilities Administration (DDA) do. We only offer the best for our community.

Contact Us!

We want our positive impact to reach more homes and organizations that require it. Grace Line Nursing serves clients all across Southern and Central Maryland. If you are looking for someone who will understand your necessities and be the perfect fit, you find it here at our healthcare staffing agency.